09 67 20 29 74
Lun - Ven 09:00-18:00
09 67 20 29 74
Lun - Ven 09:00-18:00

Take advantage of the advices, skills and assistance of MK Avocats to represent you and defend your legal interests!

About MK Avocats

With a long experience in associative, academic and public sector settings, Maître Jean-Paul Mopo Kobanda and his entire office will assist you with dedication in all areas related to personal law, including:

• Advice, oral and written legal consultations;
• Assistance and representation before civil, criminal and administrative courts;
• Assistance and support before public administrations (prefectures, OFPRA, tax services, administrative commissions, disciplinary councils);
• Preparation for appointments and interviews before administrative courts;
• Help in drafting various administrative appeals.

The office is at the service of individuals, SME, TPE, and associations (cultural, religious, unions, associations of co-owners, NGOs, etc.) in person, by phone, Whatsapp or videoconference (Zoom, Skype). To facilitate communication, the office works with interpreters in several languages.
On appointment and with respect for all sanitary measures required, you are welcomed in the new premises of MK-Avocats, centrally located in Nanterre-Ville near the RER A station. The office ensures representation before courts and jurisdictions everywhere in France. Do not hesitate to ask for the applicable terms.


Legal Practices Area

Administrative law

MK lawyers will assist you in any litigation related to administrative law. Administrative law is the branch of the French legal system in relation to public law. These are all the rules that apply to the administration in the course of its operation and in its relations with individuals.

Law of foreigners, asylum and nationality

You need advice and assistance for obtaining a residence permit, for a stay dispute before the Administrative Court, in the event of deportation orders and naturalization, assistance in filing asylum application file and advice and assistance during the interview at the Office. MK Avocats supports you in any dispute relating to the law of foreigners, asylum and nationality.

Business law, residential and commercial leases

MK Avocats supports you and answers you in your questions concerning business, property, residential and commercial law. Some sectors where we help, drafting of company statutes and contracts, transfer of business assets, rental, advice and drafting of protocols and collection of unpaid rents.

Family law, children's law and inheritance law

MK Avocats supports you in divorce, adoption or child custody proceedings, advice before the Children’s Judge in AEMO cases and inheritance.

Criminal and road traffic law

MK Avocats supports and assists you in general criminal law (violence, theft, rape), in criminal business law (fraud, abuse of corporate assets, insider trading) and assist you before the Criminal Court and / or the Court of Seated.

Social and labor law

MK Avocats accompanies you and assists you before the Labor Court (employees of the private sector and associations), before the Administrative Court (for civil servants), in particular in the event of disciplinary measures and during the negotiation of transactional agreements.

Contact us

Law is complicate matter. It can cause you a big problem if you ignore it.
Let us help you!

    Partners at MK Avocats

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    Words From Clients

    • J’ai fait appel aux services de Maître MOPO à la suite d’une séparation impliquant un enfant en bas âge.
      A notre premier entretien, ainsi que tout au long de la procédure, il y a eu écoute, réactivité et lucidité dans les conseils. Il était très rassurant de voir que Maître MOPO œuvrait pour le bien de l’enfant, pour l’équité et la justice. Il lui est arrivé de me reprendre à quelques reprises, signifiant son désaccord avec certaines de mes volontés. Avec le recul, je ne peux que le remercier. 

      Jeannette Melanchon
    • C’était dans le cadre d’un recours en cas pour refus des visas pour familles rejoignantes.

      La prise en charge avec une écoute digne de ce nom, une efficacité et réactivité professionnelle nullement comparables à celles connues précédemment nous ont permis une issue très favorable.
      L’expérience très solide dans ce domaine, sa rigueur, son implication, ses valeurs humaines ont changé notre vie. Merci Me Jean-Paul Mopo

      Etienne Moukoko
      Ingénieur Physique Nucléaire
    • Le cabinet MK Avocats m’a surprise par son professionnalisme , sa réactivité , son sérieux, son écoute , sa maîtrise de la matière juridique. C’est un cabinet qui convient parfaitement aux cadres et professionels.
      Je ne peux que le recommander à tous..

      Antoinette Gordon


    All diligence, assistance, acts, consultations and advice carried out by
    the office in the interest of its clients are billed, in consultation with them, in three ways:


    Calculated globally for a defined service.


    Fees based on actual time spend, with the rate per hour fixed at 150 euros excluding tax.


    Concluded between the office and its clients in a fee agreement in accordance with the rules of professional ethics of lawyers.


    Upon agreement, fees can be paid in several installments, and by all legal means of payment (checks, cash,

    bank transfers, credit card, etc.). Depending on certain conditions, the office can accepts legal aid.